privacy policy

The Calligraphy & Lettering Arts Society (CLAS) is a charity registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales No.1046526 and is subject to its governing laws. The objective of the Society is to advance the education of the public in the practice, appreciation and use of all forms of calligraphy and lettering arts.

In order to become a member and/or register your support you will need to provide some personal information. By submitting this information either electronically or in hard copy you agree to be contacted by CLAS for the purposes of CLAS’ legitimate interest and contract fulfilment purposes. This means that CLAS will process and retain a member’s data for administration and communication purposes only.

This data will be kept in our database for the duration of an individual’s membership and will be used in accordance with the contract fulfilment criteria of the GDPR act. Members’ data is stored both in electronic and in paper format. Access to this data is restricted to a select number of Management Committee members. As and when the membership expires all data is automatically deleted from our records.

Any purchase or membership renewal via our website is dealt with internally with the strictest confidence, whilst payments are handled by PayPal and direct debits by GoCardless and are therefore subject to the PayPal and GoCardless Privacy Policies,

We only share data with a third party such as a mailing company when it is required in order to fulfil our obligations toward its members and according to its charitable objective (for instance to email CLASNews and send the Edge), and only where such companies adhere to the GDPR. If you have signed up for GiftAid we will have to pass your details to HMRC in order to make the claim.

We will never sell our members’ data.

You can update your personal data at any time by contacting

For more information about how CLAS complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and what your individual rights are, please visit the GDPR page.

For any questions please contact

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become a part of CLAS

Join CLAS today for exclusive benefits including the Edge magazine, CLASnews updates, discounted course and competition fees, exclusive diploma access, free entry to our annual exhibition, invitations to exhibit, and discounts on calligraphy items from L Cornelissen and Son.